Episode 747: The Boeing Engineer was caught winging it on the job!

Boeing Meme

Listen below with the audio player or Click Here for complete show notes and video from the show.


On This Day in History for July 3, 2024

This is the 185th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 181 days remaining in 2024.

  • It was on this date in 1608, that Québec City was founded by Samuel de Champlain.
  • Also on July 3, 1767, Pitcairn Island was discovered by Midshipman Robert Pitcairn on an expeditionary voyage commanded by Philip Carteret.
  • That same date in 1767, Norway’s oldest newspaper still in print, Adresseavisen, was founded and the first edition is published.
  • The Bank for Savings in the City of New-York, the first savings bank in the United States, opened on this date in 1819.
  • It was on this date in 1884, that Dow Jones & Company published its first stock average.
  • July 3, 1886, Karl Benz officially unveiled the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, the first purpose-built automobile.
  • It was also this date in 1886 that The New-York Tribune became the first newspaper to use a linotype machine, eliminating typesetting by hand.
  • Also on July 3, 1938, World speed record for a steam locomotive was set in England, by the Mallard, which reaches a speed of 125.88 miles per hour (202.58 km/h).

Happy birthday goes out on this date to:

  • Danish botanist and physicist, Ferdinand Didrichsen, born on this date in 1814.
  • Dankmar Adler, the German-born American architect and engineer was born 180 years ago today.
  • Alfred Korzybski, Polish-American mathematician, linguist, and philosopher was born on that same date in 1879.
  • American mathematician and academic, Jesse Douglas was born 127 years ago today.
  • Edward Brandt, Jr., American physician and mathematician was born on that same date in 1933.
  • Also born on that same date in 1935,  American geologist, astronaut, and politician, Harrison Schmitt.
  • Also turning 81 today is American actor Kurtwood Smith.
  • Also born on that same date in 1943,  American astronaut, Norman E. Thagard.
  • American actress, voice actress, comedian and writer, Yeardley Smith, born on this date in 1964.
  • Also born on that same date in 1971,  Australian journalist, publisher, and activist, founded WikiLeaks, Julian Assange.

Listener Birthdays

  • 4 – Mike McBride
  • 6 – Peter(1982, Sweden)
  • 8 – Trampas Whiteman (aka Dragonhelm)
  • 8 – Mark Lee (aka geekdad72) Stardate -351519.09
  • 8 – Alan Ralph (a.k.a. Spiffy)
  • 8 – Kim Eaddy – Kreg’s Wife

And that’s the way it was, on this day in history for July  3, 2024

  • If you want to get on the Technorama Birthday Calendar, visit our website and look for the Birthday Calendar link.


Hacks & Strange Stories

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Pass me the remote

  • Kreg
    • Battlestar Galactica Mini-Series (Prime)
    • The Mark Twain Prize for American Humor – (Netflix)
  • Chuck
    • The Haunting of Bly Manor (Netflix)
    • Oppenheimer (Amazon Prime)

Geek Library

Question of the week

  • If you could fund research to solve one major scientific problem, what would it be and why?

End of Show Stuff

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Also Thanks to

  • Everyone who sent us links during the week
  • Those who joined us to watch live on Facebook!
  • You, for downloading and listening

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