Spread the Word! Technorama is turning 10 on April 26th. All though we may act like 10 year olds, you can clearly tell the show has matured over the years. Wait wait, who are we kidding…it is the same shtick as when we started.
Kreg will be recording Technorama’s 10th year anniversary show in person with Chuck and possibly with some of our friends! BUT…We want to hear from you! If you have a favorite moment from our vast library of podcasting excellence we call a backlog, feel free to email us, msg us on FB, twitter, or call us to tell us about it. We will read and play these on the show.
Again, thank you for supporting us over the years. Without you we would just be an mp3 on a server somewhere. With you, we are a podcast!
voicemail: 206-222-2428