Technorama Special: Start Trek V Lampoon

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… Message Spock?” — Kirk
“None that I am conscious of… except, of course, Happy Birthday. Surely the best of times” — Spock (Star Trek II)


Hello Everyone and welcome to the Technorama MST3k Special where we watch Star Trek V: The Final Frontier so you don’t have to. Chuck and I (Kreg) hold Clinton Alvord from Comedy4Cast, and Scott Tyler (friend of the show) hostage as we make them watch this .. *movie in much the same way as Kirk, Bones, and Spock tried to hang out around the campfire and bond, only without all the singing.

So we wish Star Trek a Happy 48th Birthday as we poke and prod at arguably the least relevant show/movie out of the whole 48 years.

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2 Responses to Technorama Special: Start Trek V Lampoon

  1. David Pitts says:

    Hi guys,
    Don’t know if it’s me, but I haven’t been able to fully download either this Star Trek special or the Lost episode 410.
    I use iTunes normally, but have also tried direct download from; it starts be never completes.
    Great show; I’ve been listening for a while now and it’s always entertaining.


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