CCT#209: Can We Get a Liisa in the House?

On This Wonderful Show!

  1. Mac Mini Steampunk’d
  2. An Etch-a-sketch clock!
  3. A list of obsolete skills

On This Day in Tech History

  • 1876 – Alexander Graham Bell successfully speaks the first words on a telephone by calling for his assistant.
  • 1894 – Coca-Cola is sold in bottles for the first time.
  • 1928 – In California, the St. Francis Dam fails, killing 400 people.
  • 1993 – North Korea nuclear weapons program: North Korea says
    that it plans to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and
    refuses to allow inspectors access to nuclear sites.


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0 Responses to CCT#209: Can We Get a Liisa in the House?

  1. Mike says:

    Ack!! They really need to get that ad insertion working!

  2. Thanks for the Birthday wishes. It marks my one year anniversary of initially subscribing to Technorama. (Why I subscribed on my birthday, I don’t know) Keep up the great work.