Why Mathematicians Now Care About Their Hat Color

Why Mathematicians Now Care About Their Hat Color via Digg

This is a twist on the Prisoner’s Puzzle where a group of people will get a large prize if they can guess the color of the hat (red or blue) they are wearing by only looking at the hats everyone else is wearing. Colors are randomly assigned. Victory is when nobody guesses incorrectly and at least one person guesses correctly.

The kicker is that there is a strategy where victory can be achieved as a group 15 out of 16 times, even though the individual chances are still 50/50.

Geekiest Bowl Ever (pic) via Digg

More like a Pi pan. The odd thing is, even though the picture is hosted on whatonearthcatalog.com, I can’t find a link to buy the actual product.


About madmarv

Civil Engineer, CAD Geek, podcast junkie and amateur photographer.
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