Are there 10 commandments for geeks?

I was going to release this as an audio short between shows, and I still may, but since I’m not in the studio at the moment and I really want to get rid of this piece of paper with notes scribbled on it here goes…

Sunday as I was sitting in Church, my friend Bob had his digital camera case sitting next to him in the pew in front of me. I glanced down and immediately recognized the hardware. A Nikon D80 and D200. Oooo! Say it with me. OOOOO!!

On the D200 he had a 50mm lens (f1.4) and on the D80 he had a 70-200mm zoom with image stabilization. Say it with me again… OOOOO!

As I started to drool on his cameras I said “I don’t see anything in the Bible about coveting thy neighbor’s gadgets.” Which got me to thinking… should we come up with a 10 commandments for geeks? Think about it, some people already treat Apple like a religion.

  1. Though shall have no other operating systems other than the Apple
  2. Though shall not steal copyrighted materials
  3. Though shall not covet thy neighbor’s gadgets

What else can you come up with?

The plan is to post more often to the blog. Let me know what you think.

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0 Responses to Are there 10 commandments for geeks?

  1. Thou shalt not kill a process before its time. However, do not suffer a zombie to live.

    Thou shall not belittle thy neighbour’s system. Nay, thou shalt instead lead them on a path of improvement, to bring their system closer to enlightenment.

    Honour thy father an mother. Respect both the Jobbes and the Woz. (You decide which is which.)

    Respect the name of Apple. Do not apply onto Apple was is not Apple’s.

    If a sexy, naked woman hands you an Apple, it is a temptation toward goodness, not evil.

    Do not worship false idols; a desktop skin, high-res icons and white components encased in a shell do not make a Windows system into an Apple system.

    (And this from a non-Mac guy; I’ve sold my soul to Linux and suffer Windows as necessary. I will buy a Mac before the year ends, however.)

  2. Podcast Mike says:

    1. Thou shall report all bugs to the developer.
    2. Thou shall hack another hackers hack.

    I don’t like the Apple one. I use a REAL system day-to-day at work. It is more secure and stable than any Apple system could hope to be. AS/400, System i, iSeries are the most common names.

    How about Thou shallt not use Windows.

  3. Chris says:

    How about:

    1. Thou shall not crack shareware, no matter how tempting it may seem.
    2. Thou shall backup thy important data, no matter how religious thou may be.

  4. Karate Kid Coe says:

    1) Thou Shall Protect thy gear with all items available

    2) Thou shalt not brag about thy gear unless at a convention

    3) Thou shalt not use lap top as a coaster (somone did this to my brothers mac powerbook : ( )

  5. Chuck says:

    The shalt not fix code that ain’t broken… for certain death awaits you!

  6. Shadowbird says:

    Thou shalt not click Yes to something thou didst not request. Even then, thou shouldst not click “Yes”.

    Thou shalt not use Norton Internet Security or McAfee Security Suite.

    Thou shalt not say “yea, verily I doth get no spam”, lest thy hubris be thine undoing.