Stardust Movie Aug. 10th

Stardust Movie

Just saw the preview for Stardust when I went to see Next. Based on Neil Gaiman’s novel of the same name and stars Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer. It’s been a while since I read that novel but the plot of the movie seems to be the same as that of the book. However, the trailer is portraying Stardust as an action flick, which is not at all the way I remember it. Well, neither is Harry Potter, but that is the Hollywood formula. Maybe if this works out, the Sandman movie will become more than a pipe dream.

A real mouse, mouse via Digg
The internal components of a computer mouse stuffed into the preserved body of a real mouse. The photo in the above link is not for the squeamish.


About madmarv

Civil Engineer, CAD Geek, podcast junkie and amateur photographer.
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0 Responses to Stardust Movie Aug. 10th

  1. Jay rogers says:

    Is it me or seems like there is so many movies that flop these days. Unless you like transformers…. I loved it!