Hulk not think that funny!

Show #155:

  1. News about the IT Crowd
  2. A map of the Mellenium Falcon
  3. You too can build your own antenna
  4. Chuck gets to work on his Minty Boost Project
  5. Do your part for the Joe Murphy get well project
  6. Someone built a Wii laptop

Show notes for #155

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0 Responses to Hulk not think that funny!

  1. “3” members of the department in the IT Crowd? You’ve forgotten Richmond!

    You *do* remember him, don’t you? Don’t worry, most people forget him, as he admits.. He is, of course, the server room monitor, the vampire behind the Red Door…

    As much as I like the American Office, I’m not sure that an American IT Crowd would necessarily translate. The zany humour that is uniquely British is not something done well in the US — Coupling comes to mind, although I never actually saw the US version, nor have I seen the original British version of the Office.

    I’ve heard that there is a second (6-episode) series of the original IT crowd coming up soon. I hope that’s true.