The $15,200 penny.

830! How a Massachusetts carpenter got the highest Scrabble score ever. via Reddit

The two men set three records for sanctioned Scrabble in North America: the most points in a game by one player (830), the most total points in a game (1,320), and the most points on a single turn (365, for Cresta’s play of QUIXOTRY).

How much is a perfectly normal 2003 penny worth? $15,119.99 more than you would have guessed via Fark

Guess its mint condition makes it more valuable than Google stock, relatively speaking. There must be quite a bubble in the numismatic world.

10 dirtiest jobs in science via Digg

Dysentery Stool Sample Analyzer, Orangutan-Pee Collector or a Carcass Cleaner, are any of these jobs worth it?


About madmarv

Civil Engineer, CAD Geek, podcast junkie and amateur photographer.
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