Are We Not Men?

Show #54: Are We Not Men?

* Some wonderful listener feedback
* A Geek top 10 list
* Part Duex of Adam Savage
* Disney’s Finger Scanner
* All three star wars as a PixelMash
* AOL IM Worm
* – Japan developing remote control for humans – Oct 25, 2005
* Will weather control become a reality?
* Battlestar Galactica Renewed once again for a third season!
* Unlock the dancing Yoda

Listen to Technorama for November 3, 2005

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4 Responses to Are We Not Men?

  1. Mike Wills says:

    Hey guys, I love the interview with Adam and thanks for playing my promo!

  2. _V_ says:

    “on board is the first animal to enter space. A dog named Laika.”
    That’s incorrect; fruit flies were the first animals in space. Laika was the first animal in orbit.

    The Beach Boys wanted to use a Theremin for Good vibrations, but there wasn’t one available. At least not the standard Theremin; they used a device based on some of the same principals. A Tannerin or Electro-Theremin.

    Thank you for the interview with Adam so far. How many parts are there?

  3. Chuck says:

    Wow, way to smack me on the Wikipedia facts! Thanks!

    There are three parts to the Adam Savage interview. Part III will go out Sunday night 11/6.

    Thanks for listening!

  4. Mattfn says:

    Great interview. You are asking all the questions no one else thinks to ask them. Can’t wait for part three.


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