Stack 'em high!

Show #41: Stack ’em high!

* Sip Phones!
* Lego Factory
* Ubuntu announces The Dapper Drake
* Apple Confirms iTunes5 and will have a fix this week!
* Ajax: Getting Started at Mozilla
* Firefox Wallpapers
* Bill Gates goes to College
* VNC server for PocketPC

A proud member of

Listen to Technorama for September 19, 2005

Be sure to sign up for our upcoming roundtable on September 24th. Just visit We will be using GotoMeeting while we discuss podcast media hosting with several special guests including Peter York from . Peter will share his knowledge of advanced BitTorrent, and we will show you how to make weblogs podcast ready. Also, be sure to check out GoToMeeting. Why? Because you can hold meetings right over the Net — from anywhere. Plus, you can hold all the meetings you want for one flat rate. To get your free 30-day trial, visit

Also a member of Friends In Tech.

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