Category: White Belt
Report Spam
One of the best features about Gmail is its powerful spam detection. Spam is that annoying email that you get from people or organizations you don’t know for products or services that you did not ask for. Some spam is easy to spot such as prescription medicines, or low loan rates. Others are more subtle…
Move To
Try GotoAssist Express Free for 30 days Gmail is full of so many features that sometimes I forget some of the best ones out there. One of those is the Move to button located on the button bar just above the conversation index and any conversation you open. The button works similar in both contexts.…
This show is sponsored by Citrix GotoAssist Express. Try it free for 30 days. This episode is another in our getting started series with Gmail. This time I’ll cover a way to change the appearance of your Gmail interface without changing the functionality. Gmail calls these themes; other systems might call this “skinning” because you’re…
Creating and Sending Messages
This episode is sponsored by Citrix GotoAssist Express. Try it free for 30 days This episode is another in our getting started series with Gmail. Creating and sending email may seem like an self-evident task with any email client. I want to ensure we cover everything to make you effective using Gmail. I’ll cover the…
General Settings
This episode is sponsored by Citrix GotoAssist Express. Try it free for 30 days. This episode is the second in our Getting Started series on Gmail. I’ll walk you through the basics to setup your account.If you’re brand new to Gmail, you may want to go back and listen to the previous show on setting…
Default Text Styling and Free Holiday Card
This episode is sponsored by GotoAssist Express. Try it FREE for 30 days at Want to put a little flair in your email? Want to get away from the standard font that everyone else is using in their Gmail messages? Try the labs feature called Default Text Styling. Like other labs features, you can…
Contact Chooser
Try GotoAssist free for 30 days Have you found yourself trying to send a message to someone and you cannot remember their last name? John? John? What was John’s last name? OK, John’s not your closest friend and you don’t send him email all the time. In fact, you don’t even know if you added…
Auto Unsubscribe
This episode is sponsored by GotoAssist – try it free for 30 days. Have you ever wondered what to do with those messages that you get because you are on someone’s mail list? You don’t read them regularly (or at all), but you just don’t see a quick link, or you are not ambitious enough…
Drag and Drop Labels
This show is sponsored by – try it FREE for 30 days! Gmail has made some significant changes to the way you label and store conversations. They have now made labels work more like folders in more conventional mail applications by adding drag-and-drop actions. Once again, Google has impressed me with their web programming…