Tag: Gmail
Texting – Part 2
This show is sponsored by Citrix GotoAssist Express. Try it free for 30 days Welcome to part 2 of our 3 part series on texting from Gmail and Google applications. If you haven’t listened to part 1, you can download it from iTunes or listen directly from the Gmail Podcast blog at chuckchat.com. In part…
Texting – Part 1
This episode is sponsored by GotoAssist Express. Try it free for 30 days. Google offers a number of ways to send and receive text messages for free without using a mobile phone. This is part 1 of a 3 part series on using text messages, or SMS, with Gmail and other Google applications. Let’s begin…
More Storage
This episode is sponsored by GotoAssist Express. Try it free for 30 days! This week, Google announced they have slashed the pricing on additional storage. If you’ve been using Gmail for a long time, you probably remember when it was introduced with 1GB of storage. Compared to the 10MB my ISP was giving me at…
Auto Unsubscribe
This episode is sponsored by GotoAssist – try it free for 30 days. Have you ever wondered what to do with those messages that you get because you are on someone’s mail list? You don’t read them regularly (or at all), but you just don’t see a quick link, or you are not ambitious enough…