Month: October 2010

  • Edward James Olmos

    Kreg and I caught up with Edward James Olmos at Dragon*Con 2010. He was kind enough to give us an exclusive interview in exchange for a cup of coffee. The interview was early and we were a bit tired from the night before. Nevertheless, Edward hit it out of the park with this one. Find…

  • Episode 0

    What’s this podcast all about? Listen and find out the who, what, why, when, where, and how from our short interview with each other. –Chuck & Kreg Play in new window | Download

  • Welcome to Interface To Face

    Welcome to our new podcast and website! Thanks for stopping by. The premise of this dubious combination is to showcase “famous” people in tech, science, sci-fi, and other interesting genres. This is similar to what we covered in our interviewing series on Technorama, but we wanted to separate the light-hearted nature of Technorama from the…