Parsec Awards

Well, well, well…looky what we have here. Looks like Technorama is a finalist in the ParsecAwards! I don’t know what we did to deserve this (besides podcasting) but I know I speak for Chuck when I say this is a great honor and we are humbled to be included in the Parsecs, much less a finalist.

If you are not familiar with the Parsec Awards, it is an award to celebrate Speculative Fiction Podcasting.

Podcast shows are nominated by fans, and finalists are chosen by a yearly steering committee. Those finalists are then voted on by an independent panel of judges from outside of podcasting. Awards are given in several categories ranging from content to audio quality.

Here is the complete list of finalists and we encourage you to congratulate every one of them.

Oh! If you are at Dragon*Con and want to attend the Parsec Awards Ceremony here are the details.

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